7 Homemade dog toys and treats
On a budget this Christmas but still want to shower your dog in gifts?
Your dog has been awesome this year right? They probably only made it onto the naughty list a few (or few hundred) times, but because they’re so cute and are trying hard to behave, you’ve decided to lavish them with toys, but the prices!
Oh lordy, the pet stores will happily take whatever money you’re willing to part with but does your dog really need that Gucci baseball cap or a diamond studded collar?
Honestly, they’re not gonna give a rat’s ass.
What your dog wants is you, your love & your attention, so before you go and spend large amounts of money on toys, treats and outfits for your pup, check out these cheap and easy-to-make dog-friendly recipes and toys.
Maybe it’s because I was raised by frugal parents. Maybe it’s because I don’t get that hit of dopamine whenever I purchase something (except for when I bought my car, I still love my car!), or maybe it’s because my high school economics teacher (Mrs Church) encouraged her students to think before we bought and really decide if it was a “have to have” or a “nice to have”, but I just don’t think you need to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on dog toys and treats.
If anything, put that money aside to pay for an in-home pet sitter to keep your pup company while you go on safari in Africa.
Or donate some money to your local animal shelter for all those poor pups in need.
If you do want to spend money on a toy that will stand the test of time, go with anything produced by Kong. I’ve worked with hundreds of dogs over the years and the kong toys lasted longer than any other brand. Well worth the investment, especially if you have a dog with big chompers.
But if you’re on a tight budget, here are some cheap and easy-to-make toys and recipes that you can create at home because remember, your dog just wants your attention.
If you left them alone in a room with nothing but their Gucci baseball cap, they would still be lonely.
If you sit in the room with them and play with them with one of these cheap and easy-to-make toys, they will think all their Christmases have come at once.
Homemade Puzzle toys
Keep your dog entertained for ages by creating a puzzle toy for them. For an added challenge they can even hunt for the toy first which will wear them out and keep them entertained.
Puzzle Box
Add some treats to an old box. Your dog will have to find the box and open or destroy the box to get the treats.
Puzzle Sock
Add some treats to an old sock and tie it up in knots that your pup has to unravel or chew through to get to the treats.
Tug toys
Braid old t shirts into rope toys or make knots in old towels and play a good old fashioned game of tug.
When I owned my daycare I spent so much money on buying toys and the dogs would destroy them all. One day a towel fell onto the ground and was picked up by a dog. Another dog grabbed the other end and this evolved into a day-long game of tug with many thrilled participants. From that day forth, a towel or two were sacrificed daily but it was worth it.
Thrift store soft toys
You can pick up so many bargains at thrift stores. If your dog likes to dissect toys (pull the stuffing out), keep an eye on them while they’re dissecting and discard any eyes, squeakers or stuffing before they become a choking hazard. Amelia loved dissecting things and I love this photo of her destruction. Cracks me up every time I see it.
Home made dog treat recipes
I tested these homemade dog cookies and pupcakes on some of my dog friends, and they were extremely well received.
Bella with her dinosaur shaped dog cookie
Dog cookies
1 cup flour
1 cup oats
½ cup ground flax seeds
½ to 1 cup broth (chicken or beef)
¼ cup peanut butter
Preheat the oven to 180° C / 350° F
Stir together the flour, oats and ground flaxseed.
Mix in 1/2 cup broth and peanut butter.
Mix well, adding more broth if needed to bring the mixture together to a thick dough. Form into a ball and turn out on a lightly floured surface.
Roll to about 5mm / 1/4 inch thickness and cut out to the desired shape.
Bake for about 20 minutes or until golden brown, flipping halfway.
Cool completely, then keep in an airtight container for about one week.
2 cups water
2 bananas, mashed
1/8 tsp vanilla
1 egg
2 Tb honey
3 cups flour
1/2 Tb baking powder
½ cup cream cheese
¼ cup peanut butter
Bacon bits to decorate
Preheat oven to 180° Celsius. In a bowl combine water, bananas, vanilla, egg and honey. Then add flour and baking powder. Mix well.
Pour mixture into cupcake pan sprayed with cooking oil spray.
Bake for 20 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out dry.
For more puppy raising tactics, save your seat in my free masterclass
“3 Simple Tactics for Raising a Well-Behaved Dog”