Manners matter: How to train your dog to “sit” on command
Nobody likes being head butted by a jumping dog, or being covered in paw prints.
Teaching your dog to sit rather than allowing them to jump up will please your visitors and help your friendships.
“Sit” can be used for so many reasons, like:
Keeping your dog safe at the side of the road
Keeping your dog out of the way so they don’t trip you up
When your pup greets kids, or is meeting a new dog, person or cat
To prevent them from jumping up and stealing your food off the counter
The possibilities are endless…
A beautiful example of a dog sitting. Well done Juno
The Training Method for Sit
As with all rewards based training, only move to the next step when your dog is successful at the step you’re on.
Pay attention to your own body language when you teach this, because your dog won’t understand the words you’re using, they’ll be looking at your entire body and trying to figure out what you want them to do.
Once you’ve finished all the steps, practice in different places and around distractions.
Step 1
Hold a treat up to your dog’s nose and slowly move your hand up over their head towards their tail.
Once your dog’s butt is on the ground, give them the treat.
Step 2
Do the same hand movement but without the treat in your hand.
When your dog sits give them a treat
Step 3
Say “sit”
Move your empty hand over your dog’s head towards their tail
When their butt touches the ground, give them the treat
For more puppy raising tactics, save your seat in my free masterclass
“3 Simple Tactics for Raising a Well-Behaved Dog”