How to train your dog to look at you
Watch is such a great dog training command.
It’s simple to teach and doesn’t require much from the dog (so they usually learn it quickly), but it’s so powerful because it means you can get your dog’s attention quickly.
This helps to keep them safe and is an easy way of distracting them from something or someone you don’t want them to focus on – like a cat, another dog, or a person.
Amelia Watching Michal like a clever dog
The Training Method for Watch
As with all rewards based training, only move to the next step when your dog is successful at the step you’re on.
Pay attention to your own body language when you teach this, because your dog won’t understand the words you’re using, they’ll be looking at your entire body and trying to figure out what you want them to do.
Once you’ve finished all the steps, practice in different places and around distractions.
Step 1
Hold the treat up to your eye
When your dog looks up at the treat or looks at you directly say “yes” (to mark the behaviour),
Give them the treat
Step 2
Hold your empty hand up to your eye
When your dog gives eye contact say “yes”
Give them the treat from your pocket
Step 3
Say “watch”
Move your empty hand up to your eye
When your dog looks at you say “yes”
Give them a treat
Step 4
Say “watch”
When your dog looks at you say “yes”
Give them a treat
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“3 Simple Tactics for Raising a Well-Behaved Dog”