How to train your dog to stay still or wait
Wait is another valuable dog training command to keep your dog safe or to instill some basic manners.
Use this command to:
Get your dog to stay still
Avoid being tripped up when going up or down stairs
Wait while you catch up to them (if they’ve gotten too far ahead on a walk)
and in many other situations…
Charlie waits patiently like a good dog
The Training Method for Wait
As with all rewards based training, only move to the next step when the dog is successful at the step you’re on.
Pay attention to your own body language when you teach this, because your dog won’t understand the words you’re using, they’ll be looking at your entire body and trying to figure out what you want them to do.
Once you’ve finished all the steps, practice in different places and around distractions
Step 1
Ask your dog to sit
Say ‘wait’
Take one step away from them
Step back to your dog and treat
Step 2
Ask your dog to sit
Say ‘wait’
Take two steps away from them
Step back to your dog and treat
Step 3
Lengthen the time the dog waits by:
Increasing your steps away from your dog
Circling around your dog
Walking into a different room
Step 4
Increase difficulty by adding in distractions and by practicing in the garden, at the dog park, when getting out of or into the car.
Remember that if your dog is unsuccessful and moves out of position, you need to go back to the previous step and practice some more.
For more puppy raising tactics, save your seat in my free masterclass
“3 Simple Tactics for Raising a Well-Behaved Dog”